Frequently Asked Questions

How are we different from other bill-sharing websites?

Credwise's main focus is not on splitting the bills but to provide an easy-to-use secure platform for groups to share their CC offers and help card owner reach their milestone faster.

Is my data secure?

Credwise does not store any card Information in our database. All your card information is only stored on your phone. Credwise also encrypts messages between senders and recipients; the service can't see them at any point on that journey, nor after they arrive.

How can Credwise help us in the settlement of purchases?

We only provide information on what each individual owns in a circle. All settlements are needed to be done offline. We are in the process of building an instant settlement option on our platform.

What if I can't find the needed card in my circle?

We are building community-based circles that allow verified users to share their details even if they do not know each other personally.

How to Add a Credit/Debit Card to Credwise?

Credwise accepts a wide range of cards (both credit and debit) to make the payment process easy and convenient for its users. You can go to My card section to add/scan your card. We do not store the actual card numbers but only what type of card a user have.

What is Credwise virtual card Account?

Users can now enroll for a PPI card backed by our PPI partner Livquik. Funds can be added using any of the Credit card already onboarded on the platform. This card can be used in any online merchant, Effectively making it a better secure alternative for traditional Supplementary/Add on Credit cards.

Does credwise issue their own Credit card in User name?

Credwise do not issue any credit card in User's Name. We only allow users to load their PPI card/Wallet using existing credit card issued by RBI licensed entities.

What are the steps required to onboard in the PPI program?

Users can complete a simple RBI mandated KYC process within the app to access to min KYC card account (Limit is set to 10000/month). This can be later upgraded to full kyc wallet by doing a complete kyc. Each user will get their own Visa backed PPI virtual card.

How to delete your Credwise Account?

Users can delete their account using the link provided in the help section on Credwise Application. Please note that this is a permanent and cant be reverted . User will loose each and every benefits associated with Credwise once they initiate the deletion. Any remaining balance in your wallet would be refunded to source account as per Livquik policies.